Deerhoof - Milk Man (Milky Clear Vinyl)

Deerhoof - Milk Man (Milky Clear Vinyl)


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The starting point for Milk Man was a cartoon character created by Japanese artist Ken Kagami, a longtime friend of Deerhoof vocalist Satomi Matsuzaki.

In contrast to the earnest guitar rock that predominated on their previous album Apple O', Milk Man featured a broad palette of orchestral colors, echoes of music theater and camp, polished and gaudy arrangements, Stravinskian harmonies, and a more stylized, anonymous playing style resulting partly from recording most of the instruments at separate times rather than playing together as a band, and partly from many of the arrangements being created in a computer.

Critical praise for Milk Man came notably from NME and Spin. The song "Milk Man" was chosen in 2009 as one of Pitchfork's top tracks of the decade.


1 Milk Man (4:23)
2 Giga Dance (2:58)
3 Desaparecere (4:07)
4 Rainbow Silhouette of the Milky Rain (4:16)
5 Dream Wanderer's Tune (2:17)

6 Milking (3:36)
7 C (4:00)
8 Dog on the Sidewalk (1:13)
9 That Big Orange Sun Run Over Speed Light (2:02)
10 Song of Sorn (2:25)
11 New Sneakers (2:14)